Friday 28 February 2014

fallen stars

beware of the words on this page
for they protest of damage far beyond its age
this page testifies a soul full of rage
of a life lived in a cage
at the age of five she might as well been burried alive with home resembling a cage, locked herself in to contain this rage

curses written on the lines of her face, cold hearted she became for one was to blame
hate, love it was all the same
dead among the living she became, she lived to die yet her soul died to live and leave this crippled home grown to an ocean of tears every drop filled with fears of love less gained, of a heart pained by deceit, at 13 her life she wanted to forfeit, pain directed her feet to a life of misfit

thispage testifies of words from a shattered heart, a finished start, an ended begining, a fallen star, a grave tarred
this page testifies of questions asked why's, when's, what's, where's and how's
built the walls of a windowless doorless house
that kept her in and locked them out
at 21 it crashed down, by the blood of the lamb she was found, her broken heart He patches up
scars of a rising fallen star

Tuesday 14 August 2012

fashionable garbage

fashion i believe is what you make of it and it becomes something better when personalize it it becomes STYLE

Thursday 26 July 2012

crazy phone

so right now i was creating a new blog post on my tumblr blog lol only to see that my phone is posessed it keeps dialing and calling people without me dialing lol i reallly need a new phone

Friday 20 July 2012


it was an awesome night at the durban film festival and met alot of great celebrities and motivated i love my career choice 

Durban film festival

 i have the previlage of photographing this years film festival and it was a learning experience.These images were taken of my colleagues at the opening night that was at the Suncoast in durban.The opening film was ELELWANI and it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!The festival opened at an all time high its moments like these that i am Proud to be called an African

Tuesday 17 July 2012


When you are old enough to get your periods in the 21st century you are old enough to be a mother .The number of teenage pregnancy is constantly on the rise and so is the rate of abortion neither of the two are right but according to South African law neither are illegal.Whether you choose to bring a life in this world or you premeditate murder it is still legal provided you go to a registered murdering organization.


As humans we all are automatically manufactured to have certain goals for our lives.This image is initially created to show just how bad and good goals can be .At times we loose sight of these goals and we end up becoming the ball instead of the goal keeper and sometimes we are the goal keeper gaining our control but then sometimes we end up protecting them to a point that we neither playing the field making us just sitting goalies